
Staging Space

What is Staging?

Staging” is the temporary assignment of dedicated work space, assigned in 2 week blocks, to install a project, work on an intensive build, conduct user testing over time, demo a project and most importantly — to build out the functionality of your project.

For Information about storing your project overnight on a table, short term on the window sills or for a larger project/materials, please visit: Project Storage



What Staging Isn’t…

IT IS NOT a table assignment for the entire semester nor a quiet study space.

While SUPER IMPORTANT to your project, conceptualization and library research are no necessarily a part of Staging that can reasonably be supported.

Staging Space is limited to the black studio tables numbered around the floor and open space assigned for installations — this is why we can only support temporary assignments for building, user testing or demoing a project over time.  

*Note: Thesis students are not guaranteed space – you must also apply and meet the same criteria as is spelled out in this help page.

Requirements and Additional Important Info

Locations: Staging will take place in the areas where numbered black studio tables are located around the floor, including space for non-table installation use. No projects will be assigned to the large white tables. Once assigned a table you can move it to another available spot if you let us know at helpdesk@itp.nyu.edu. Projects cannot be staged in the building’s stairwells due to compliance with fire regulations.

Scale: A note about scale. The floor can only handle so many projects in development at one time. This is why there are time constraints. There are also scale constraints. For instance, constructing rooms, closets or large surfaces may not be supported unless careful consideration is taken – i.e. the build is collapsable, movable, etc. In most cases, these types of projects should be built off floor. A section of the floor is planned to be cleared of white tables to support the use of installation based work in 4′ x 4′ section assignments where curtains can be hung.

User Testing and Show and Tell: If assigned a staging space, you MIGHT be asked to be available for user testing by outside visitors or prospective students attending open houses or group interviews. If you are assigned a space, early semester space assignments can focus on you talking with visitors about the project’s current state, explaining its concept, your design principles, the intended user scenario and demonstrating measured progress.  If you plan to eventually submit the project to the Show, or user feedback is critical to your Thesis, this might be really valuable to you.

The end of semester Show and Thesis Projects DB Venues: Staging submissions and space assignments DO NOT automatically carry over to the Show or Thesis venues. You must associate your project with those special venues once open and follow all announced and published deadlines related to the Show and Thesis.

Conditions Apply

  • Staging space is assigned in 2 week increments
  • You may re-apply as often as you feel you need to, but as the end of the term nears and demand rises, you could be denied additional appointments based on fairness to classmates who have not received space
  • Assigned spaces must be kept neat, organized and safe — label your table and your things
  • Black curtains may ONLY be used if your project has a functional need for them – NOT for privacy. When not in use, curtains should be tied back. If you are using a Kinect or LEAP, you shouldn’t need a curtain.
  • Tables are NOT guaranteed – if you are building an installation and are do not need a studio table try to use a kiosk stand to work from. See Rob about getting materials for a kiosk stand
  • Your ability to work in a smaller footprint or in a GROUPED (Multiple Projects) space sharing arrangement increases the likelihood that you will be assigned space – just let Rob know who you are working with

Non Starters (things not permitted)

  • Anything using fire or smoke
  • Fog machines
  • Duct tape (get gaffers tape from Rob, ER or Shop)
  • Shop tools (everything must be returned after use on a daily basis)
  • Soldering should be done in the Fabrication area unless you use your own soldering station and have a desk fan
  • Hanging equipment, materials or curtains without having had a consult first with Rob

Submission Process

Staging space is assigned following the submission of your project to the Project’s DB LOGIN HERE (use the Staging Fall 2024 venue when submitting your project)

Include dimensions, special equipment needs and technical notes in the Space and Equipment Notes section of your project submission after you have created the initial submission, if you need help see Rob

We use shared calendars to schedule Staging Assignments

In your NYU Calendar settings:

TURN ON Calendar Invitations and Events to receive a notification that you have been assigned Staging Space

TURN ON Calendar Notifications so you receive an email that you’ve been invited to a Staging Table Calendar resource.

The calendar below shows the most current assignments

If you have any questions please email helpdesk@itp.nyu.edu

If you cannot view the embedded Staging Assignments Calendar, please use this external url: Staging Assignments