
Report a Problem / Ask a Question

For any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to any member of faculty or staff.

If you are not sure who to go to, start with:

George Agudow (george.agudow@nyu.edu) Administrative Director, 212-998-1891

Report a Student Issue / Office of Student Conduct. (student.conduct@nyu.edu)
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSC) supports the maintenance of a safe, accountable, and inclusive community. OSC is committed to the development of individual students and the education of members of New York University on the rights and responsibilities of communal membership.

Report a Health or Safety Emergency or Theft / Campus Safety. 212.998.2222. (Always call 911 in case of an immediate health or safety concern)https://www.nyu.edu/life/safety-health-wellness/campus-safety.html
The Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing safety and security for our community and property, enabling the pursuit of academic and professional goals. 

Report Sexual Harassment/Violence/Misconduct/Title IX. (title9@nyu.edu) or call (212) 998-2352https://www.nyu.edu/about/policies-guidelines-compliance/equal-opportunity/title9/reporting-and-resources.html
The University’s Title IX Coordinators are a resource for any questions or concerns about sexual harassment, sexual violence, or sexual misconduct and are available to discuss your rights and judicial options. The Title IX Office (OEO) can also assist individuals in obtaining supportive measures and connections to campus and community resources.