
Project Storage

Overnight Storage:

First, what you can’t do is leave your project out on a communal table or unassigned Staging Table longer than overnight.

All projects and materials that don’t fit in a red bin should be labeled with a storage label or overnight label. Preprinted labels are available at the labeling station outside the Technical Operations Office, Room 433.

Label Station on wall outside Room 433
Labeling Station outside Room 433

If you are working late into the evening and are committed to coming back in the morning, you may leave your project or materials on an unassigned black table or the 2 designated shop tables across from Room 433 if you label your project with the overnight storage label found outside Room 433:

Example: Overnight storage label – Available outside Room 433
Use the 2 right side shop tables across from Room 433 for overnight storage

Old or unlabeled projects / materials will be removed at the discretion of the Staff

Short Term Storage :

If it will fit in your red bin, store it there or you may use the window sill along Jay Street for short term storage if your project or materials are labeled with one of the removable labels found at the labeling station outside Room 433:

Example: Large removable label – available at Label Station outside Room 433
Example: Small removable label – available at Label Station outside Room 433

Old or unlabeled projects / materials will be removed at the discretion of the Staff

Larger Project Storage:

If you are requesting Staging Space for project storage only, please email AskITP@itp.nyu.edu to request a spot for your project. We will do our best to find an orderly way to store larger projects while you work on them.

Staging Space

What is Staging?

Staging” is the temporary assignment of dedicated work space, assigned in 2 week blocks, to install a project, work on an intensive build, conduct user testing over time, demo a project and most importantly — to build out the functionality of your project. For more information about Staging, including how to apply for space, visit: Staging Space